This World, BBC Documentary - Thailand -
Justice Under Fire (Part 1)
This World, BBC Documentary - Thailand -
Justice Under Fire (Part 2)
This World, BBC Documentary
Thailand - Justice Under Fire
From: mictcircumventor
This World, BBC Documentary -
Thailand - Justice Under Fire
In Thailand a charismatic woman leader
has just won a general election promising
justice for the victims of army violence.
Last year more than ninety people
were killed in bloody clashes between
demonstrators and the army in central Bangkok.
Award-winning correspondent Fergal Keane
investigates the struggle of victims' families
as they seek the truth about what happened
to their loved ones. He explores claims
of cover-up and impunity for the powerful.
When the people>>> fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government>>> fears the people, there is liberty.>>>เมื่อใดประชาชนขลาดกลัวต่อรัฐ นั่นเป็นสัญญาณว่ามีทรราชย์ในบ้านเมือง; แต่เมื่อใดรัฐกลับกลัวเกรงต่อประชาชน นั่นกลับเป็นสัญญาณว่าบ้านเมืองมีเสรีภาพ" "The Saudi royals still want >>their blue diamond back.<<< Does anybody in Thailand know who might have it?